
I am inspired by a multitude of women on a daily basis. The women who I am about to highlight are working women, CEO’s of companies, single moms, stay at home moms, business owners, doctor’s, secretaries, administrators, realtors, teachers…and the list goes on. 
They are you. They are me. 
Sometimes their children wake them up in the middle of the night. Sometimes they work out of town. Sometimes they’ve booked too many clients. Sometimes they are exhausted. Sometimes dinner is in a drive thru.
They are you. They are me.
In my world, they all have one thing in common: They’ve made themselves a priority. They’ve put themselves on the “to-do” list. They’ve made a commitment to their health and wellness, and in spite of their crazy lives, they’ve made a choice to move daily. Their stories of why and how they do it everyday INSPIRE me! I trust they will inspire you to #movedaily too.
Sarah Parmar

I include exercise in my life because it makes me SMILE:)  I do not smile as I drag myself out of bed at 5am,I do not smile as I walk past the coffee pot,  I do not even  smile as I do burpees, push ups and sprints!  It is after the workout, as I face my crazy day and feel the endorphin spreading throughout my body.  It is after the workout when I feel gratitude for my body and all that it can do.  It is after the workout when I go home and give my kids and husband a good morning hug.  It is then , after the workout–that is when a SMILE spreads across my face and that SMILE is why I move daily!
Bonnie Michelle
Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted… 
So believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities!  Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy… Make time, push forward and live integral to you…
Single, independent.. successful, cancer survivor of 5 amazing children.

Denise Herrington

I make my workouts part of my daily plan, I love this time for myself and most importantly I love how I feel after.    I love that my kids know that working out is important to me and they ask me about and show me what they can do too!  
I am grateful I can MOVE daily and that I met you and you have inspired me and encouraged me to make better choices.
I am grateful I can workout with all my wonderful friends!
Danica Redden
Exercise has always been a big part of my life, however once  you have kids, it seems as though there is always a good excuse to push exercising to the bottom of the “to do list”.  Making healthy life choices such as eating right and exercise is something I find very important as a mother. it helps me to be a better mother, a better wife, a better “self”.  Exercise makes me a better person because it gives me the confidence, self esteem and positive energy I need in my life.  Having a great group of workout friends also helps. This always encourages me to go even on the days I may not be feeling as motivated. Seeing others work hard is motivating enough in itself to get your legs moving faster and you are sure to have a few laughs along the way!
Kristy Huber

It becomes a vicious cycle for me when I don’t find the time to work out.  It puts be in a bad head space where I generally also overeat/drink, making a poor mental shift and an excuse that I will be better the next day…so I make sure I fit something in daily,  even if it is only 30 min cardio session of intense sweat!  I always feel so satisfied and accomplished when I don’t let myself down…also does not hurt to lose a few pounds along the way!
Kathy Tisher

The main reason I work out is that I know it is good for my health – short term & long term – for not only my physical well being but for my mental & emotional health too. And no matter how I grumble & groan about waking up early and getting my tired body to class, I ALWAYS feel better afterwards!
Shauna Barcelona

I do it because I will not let a chronic disease define me. Working out regularly keeps me strong and focused on what is really under my control. Thanks for challenging me a bit more every session!
Andrea Harris

My 6am boot camps have made me a healthier person. With 4 kids in multiple sports, a husband who travels for work and my own part time job there never seemed a good time for me to work out.  Then I was invited to a 6am boot camp last July with Tracy and have never stopped. It is a challenge but I always laugh, leave with a smile on my face and no one misses mom from 6-7am.   I have lost 16 pounds and can do more push ups than anyone in my family!  I sleep, eat and feel so much better! 
Sue Boser

 I book my exercise like a meeting, into my calendar on my iphone, and it reminds me and dings at me to get moving….. because I am worth it !! Typically early mornings work for me, I always feel better and have more energy.
Amy Saufferer

I love working out because:
– it challenges me
– I feel great after a workout…and that helps me eat better:)
– It challenges my family to keep fit too.

I workout so that I can age gracefully… I want to continue to have the strength and flexibility to enjoy my activities in the future…
I want to be involved in life as fully as possible…
Connie Peters

.  Bootcamp has been the one and only form of exercise which has toned my entire body and given me an energy I never knew I had!  It has totally changed my sluggish metabolism and I now have to eat quite a lot (healthy foods), instead of the dreaded “diets.”  Over the past 4 years of bootcamp, I have lost 20 pounds and a least 2 clothing sizes.  I love being able to set an example for my own teenage children…and lets face it – bootcamp is addicting!  It is fun working out with others and being pushed out my comfort zone.
Sharon Wlaswich

How “I” do it…I found the perfect trainer to KEEP me motivated and inspired!! At the same time I need to be held accountable….that’s what keeps me on “track”. Knowing there’s going to be a “weigh-in/measurement” day ahead keeps me motivated…and makes me want to keep challenging myself…..I “REALLY” wanted to make a change, so I FOUND the time…whether it’s 5am or 5pm, I’m going to take it! 
Why “I’ do it….Training hard makes me feel good “inside”…thats one of the most important things to me….looking better on the “outside” is just a bonus to me…. Lately, I’ve been told a few times by friends and co-workers that I’m an inspiration to them….hearing THAT makes me want to keep going and help others feel they can do it too! 

Jennifer Pavan

 I do it because I need it.  It helps to clear my mind and start my day fresh.  I’m always in a good mood after I work out,  it gives me more energy through out the day and I get to spend time with some fabulous women! I have three boys that are very active so I usually get my exercise in  in the morning before my family gets up this way I don’t have to find the time to fit it into my day. 

Tracy Steen

If you are interested in #movingdaily and need help in the journey, contact me for both one-on-one and on-line training. I’d love to help you get started!

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