
Sticking with an exercise program for life can be a challenge. Sometimes what we need is a strategy to get us through the slump. If you are experiencing that right now, click on the audio below and listen to my interview with Clint Pratch and radio personality Tim Wohlberg from AM1150! http://www.iheartradio.ca/am-1150

You may have been surprised to hear that the greatest predictor of exercise adherence is self-efficacy. That is, the degree to which you believe you can make a change. So, the more belief in yourself you have the more time you will devote to the task. The more time you devote to the task, the more change you will see. The more change you see, the greater your belief!!

In November Move Daily will be posting a blog on 30 Days of Wellness. Not only is exercise a critical part to developing greater wellness, but so is looking at your relational, emotional, psychological, and volitional health, to name a few!

Please sign up on the blog for 30 days of motivation right into your inbox! You can subscribe to the blog on the top of the page. https://www.movedaily.ca/fitnessblog/

Fitness Blog