Well, let’s just say right off the hop that this dish may have a few ingredients in it that fussy family members won’t like. Perfect. More for me! Yams, Brussel sprouts, nutritional yeast! These ingredients ARE the reason I made this recipe. Healthy, nutritious and with a wide depth of flavors, you top it off with bacon and in my books this was a winner. But I do give it a “fussy eaters beware” warning too.

We are going to start off with caramelization! Wow, this technique is what really brings out the flavors in the vegetables. Onions, yams and Brussel sprouts all get this slow cooked method.


This Silpat sheet I used for the brussel sprouts is amazing! So easy for clean up, it washes clean every time, and especially if you are caramelizing something, you often get that glorious crud on the bottom (which is what you want), but this makes it easier and faster for clean up!


You are going to crispify that bacon as well. I loved that red color the bacon added to the top of this dish. I like my bacon fairly crispy and I just did it on the stove top in a deep sided fry pan.

After everything is caramelized, you’re going to mix up your egg mixture with the salt, pepper, garlic powder, coconut milk and nutritional yeast, and pour it over your layered vegetables (yam on the bottom, then onions, then brussel sprouts and finally bacon on top.


I hope you like this as much as I did. This would be a great ladies brunch casserole, maybe with a yummy side salad and some chocolate chia pudding for dessert! Enjoy!


Paleo Bacon and Yam Breakfast Casserole


  • 1 small yam peeled and sliced thin
  • 1/2 package nitrate-free bacon, diced
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 8 larger brussel sprouts, sliced thin
  • 10 eggs
  • 1/3 cup coconut milk I used the remainder to make chia pudding!
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast (parmesan cheese can be substituted)
  • 2 tsp olive oil or coconut oil


Preheat oven to 425F. Slice yams, toss with 1 tsp of your fat of choice, a generous sprinkling of salt, and place in a greased 8"x12" glass pan. Do the same with the brussel sprouts. Slice, toss in oil and salt, and place on your Silpat covered baking sheet. Roast yams for 30 minutes, and brussels for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, fry up the bacon and remove to drain on paper towel. Save 1 tsp of bacon fat to fry up the onions. Add a sprinkling of salt. Reduce heat to low on the onions and keep them cooking in the pan at least 20 minutes until golden brown and soft. Mix up your eggs, coconut milk, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, and nutritional yeast with a whisk. Now start to layer the dish! Yams first, then onions, then brussels, then bacon. Pour egg mixture evenly in top. Bake in a 400F oven for 25 minutes or until the center of the dish is set. Wait 5-7 minutes before slicing. This made 6 hearty pieces and will keep a few days in the refrigerator.


I want to also share with you 2 books that I am LOVING right now! If you don’t know by now, I am way more about the WHY behind nutrition than the WHAT. People are always asking me WHAT they should eat to lose weight and be healthy. This is important. There is no question. That being said, it doesn’t matter one little bit if you haven’t figured out WHY you eat unhealthy foods, or overeat, or have poor habits and a poor relationship with food.

These two books will start the journey in figuring out some of the stuff that keeps us stuck and not reaching our goal of living a healthier life. I implore you to read them.


TARGET 100 by Liz Josefsberg

THE POWER OF HABIT by Charles Duhigg