Jambalaya Remix with Cauliflower Rice

If you have always loved the traditional version of Jambalaya, but you are wanting to reduce carbs and still have a great tasting dish, then you should definitely try this. At Move Daily Fitness, we try to include a lot of protein and fibre in our meals and this dish does just that! Jambalaya, a […]
Power Protein Packed Mason Jar Lunch

Sometimes, getting a good, healthy lunch can have it’s challenges, especially a lunch that is packed with protein. It’s easy to grab a sandwich, a granola bar or even a bag of chips (Move Daily Movers would never grab that…), but how good is that your overall health? If I’ve learned anything in this business, […]
Autumn Veggie Chicken Bowl

Comfort food is something we all long for at one time or another. Especially as the days become cooler, a veggie and protein packed meal can be exactly the comfort food you may be looking for. This “Buddha type bowl” has a mix of vegetables that are in season this fall. Brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes […]
Crunchy Lime Chicken Salad Meal Prep Bowls

A huge part of reaching your targets is ensuring that you are prepared in the kitchen. Every single time I ask women what they struggle with most, the answer is nutrition! This Crunchy Lime Chicken Salad Meal Prep Bowl will save the day! If this is true for you, then part of the strategy needs […]
Thai Pumpkin Chicken Soup

This soup has a slight sweetness and creaminess to it! Great for fall for sure! Fall certainly is a great time of year to get some soups going in the kitchen. Pumpkin is also popular this time of year, so how about a soup that has pumpkin in it? It can’t be much different […]
Chicken, Bacon, Walnut and Apple Transition Salad

What in the name of heaven is a transition salad?? I made it up! As we transition from summer into fall, many of us start to crave the flavors that this new season brings. I’m thinking pumpkin, apples, cinnamon, walnuts. All of that just screams fall flavors to me. However, it is still 30 degrees […]
Hand Held BLTA Chicken Sandwich

Mmmm! This “sandwich” type lettuce wrap takes the BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato – very popular in Canada) to a whole new level! Healthy and delicious and when you can marry those two things together in a hand held, well you’ve got something good going on! There are a few steps, though, to this creation, but […]
African Curried Chicken Soup

This soup quickly became my healthy soup favourite when I discovered it a few years ago. The peanut butter creates a creamy, delicious texture without the addition of cream! It’s really a tomato/chicken broth base, but something magical happens when you add only 1/3 cup of real peanut butter to the whole pot of soup. […]
Paleo Bacon Chicken Cauliflower Rice Bowl

Loooong name for something so simple! Well, at least you know what’s in it now. If you’re looking for a dinner dish with lower carbs, this one is for you. Brown rice could be swapped in for the cauliflower rice if you choose. Recipe: 3 pieces of bacon – cut and crispified 2 garlic cloves […]