Vanilla Latte Protein Balls

I love experimenting with flavors and combinations in my protein balls.  A good base consists of some sort of nut/seed butter, sweetener of choice (I like honey or maple syrup), a protein source, and something to bind it all together. Then, you can get real creative with the add-ins. The tablespoon of coffee grounds in […]

Lemon Chia Protein Balls

We lived next door to a chef for a few years and one of the tricks of the trade that he taught me was that lemon brightens the flavor of everything! A little lemon zest and 1 tablespoon of juice in these protein balls, and it’s a whole new game. Keeping healthy treats on hand […]


I asked on my Instagram account lately, “What is more difficult for you: Exercise or Nutrition?” The response was overwhelmingly, nutrition! And it’s no wonder. Did you know that we have at least 200 or more thoughts surrounding food each day? That’s a fair amount of time thinking about food. Compound that with an overwhelming […]

Chai-Spiced Energy Balls

My daughter loves all things chai-spiced so I thought I would make up a batch of these little bites to add to her lunches.  They totally taste like you’re sipping a chai latte, only far less sugar, more protein and more healthy fat. These get stored in the freezer and are a great grab-n-go snack […]