Healthy Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Pumpkin season is upon us, so how about a moist, delicious Healthy Pumpkin Spice Muffin?! Absolutely! I tried a few recipes and I wasn’t happy with the results, so I put together this recipe and it turned out really well. I feel that when you find a recipe that tastes great and is made up […]
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins

Muffins can be a great source of nutrition if made properly. So often, when you’re at a coffee shop or a bakery, the muffins they sell are actually loaded with sugar, flour and fat. They make them sound healthy by putting fruit and nuts in them, which definitely makes them more healthy, but the base […]
Strawberry Chia Jam with Chocolate Overnight Oats

One of my very favorite summertime activities (yes, it’s -18C here today and I am dreaming of summer) is Sunday brunch, especially when my sister Jackie is hosting! It’s as fancy pants as you can get. European tablecloth, vases of garden flowers, fresh roasted coffee in a French press, Mimosas, tiny salt and pepper shakers […]
Proats! Banana & Peanut Butter Protein Oatmeal

During the winter months I often crave something warm and satisfying to start my mornings off right. The high fiber content in this dish is incredibly beneficial as it will not only keep me regular, but also keep me fuller, longer! Eating a complex carbohydrate like a 1/2 cup of large flake oats, will give […]
Paleo Bacon and Yam Breakfast Casserole

Well, let’s just say right off the hop that this dish may have a few ingredients in it that fussy family members won’t like. Perfect. More for me! Yams, Brussel sprouts, nutritional yeast! These ingredients ARE the reason I made this recipe. Healthy, nutritious and with a wide depth of flavors, you top it off […]
Banana and Cinnamon Overnight Oats

Busy mornings call for a quick and healthy grab-n-go breakfast! This was really tasty! Then, when I added the toppings (which there are so many to choose from to suit your own taste) it took this breakfast to a whole other level. Now, that being said, there isn’t a lot of protein in this breakfast, […]