Tuscan Style Chicken Saute with Cauliflower Rice

Feeling like you need a little Italy…without the carbs? Our Tuscan Styled Chicken Sauté might tantalize your taste buds and make you believe you’re in Italy for however long it takes to eat! For me, it wasn’t that long, unfortunately, because my plate was empty in no time. The chicken and sauce in this […]
Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers.
Books and Lectures That Changed How I Think When someone can’t stick to a healthy eating and regular exercise routine, it’s not because they’re lazy or lack discipline and willpower. I’ve been engrossed lately in the psychology and physiology of fitness and how the two influence each other. One of the profound lessons that I […]
How The Body and Mind Can Change in 3 Months! Client Transformation

Being healthy and fit is not just for some people. It is available to everyone. It is available to you. I recently worked with a woman who came to me feeling very lethargic, flabby and completely unlike how she use to feel. She felt uncomfortable and lacked the energy to keep up with her kids. […]
A Reason You Can’t Stick With Fitness

Have you heard the saying, “make fitness a lifestyle’? It’s very true that those who are able to incorporate a fitness regiment into their lives and who have the capacity to stick with it forever, have indeed “made it their lifestyle”. Why is it easy for some, but incredibly hard for the majority? Did you […]
Answer This Question Honestly…What Are You Afraid Of?
You know how they say that a good stylist is cheaper than a good therapist? It’s because when we are sitting in that chair for two hours, something is bound to come blurting out and our hairdressers are often the listening ear to those comments! As a personal trainer I experience the same thing with […]
What Do You Do When You Receive A Dozen Donuts As A Gift?
Back in September 2015 I hosted a challenge for my clients called Sober September. The challenge consisted of the participants giving up their “vice” for the whole month. For some people that was alcohol, for others it was refined sugar or chocolate. The challenge was meant to encourage people to give up something that they […]
5 Things She Did To Get Her Body Back!

Whenever someone makes a transformation in their body, people always want to know how they did it! I think what sells diet and exercise books in droves is the promise of a quick change. If it were only that simple. There is a way though, to change your body and to adapt […]
The Experts Weigh In On How To Stick With Your Exercise Plan!
A few years ago I sat across from a woman who had called me inquiring about personal training. She was at a very low point in her life and when I asked her why this was the moment that she decided to reach out to hire a trainer, she dropped her head and began to […]
Falling Apart In Your Weight Loss Goals
Attempting to lose weight can feel like a battle at times. We can be crystal clear about what we want our body to look like and where we want the scale to be, but when faced with the challenge of exercise or saying no to food temptations, we collapse like a Jenga tower after […]
How To Help Your Clients Flex Their Willpower!
Probably one of the most frustrating things about being a trainer is seeing a client, who you know has the potential to change their life, sabotage their own efforts. They may be killing it in the workouts, but when it comes to nutrition and resisting temptation, they are like a kid in a candy store. […]